We got up very early, and were under way by a few minutes before 7. There was a light mist rising off the water, but there was a promise of sun in the sky. After Edee's first trip on the bridge with us on Day 2, we were thrilled to find that, as soon as Michael started the engines this morning, our little boat cat was sitting at the door, waiting to be let up onto the bridge for today's adventure. It was cold up there in the early morning, but we took her bed up and she curled up in it,covered by her blanket. What a happy cat!
We arrived at Florence Harbour Marina at about 3 pm, to find that the office is closed on Mondays, and there are no marina staff here. We phoned the published number, and the manager told us just to go ahead and tie up, plug in if we want to 'cause the power is always on, and there's a guy in Slip B10 who will take care of us.
The only people we saw when we arrive were on a sailboat that had arrived just ahead of us - they too were looking for the guy in B10, but with no luck. I'm sure someone will show up in the morning. We did find a guy who was working on setting up the new restaurant, and he told us that there was a courtesy car available, then offered to call the manager for us to arrange it. With that done, we headed off to town for a few minor provisions and a nice dinner out.
It's raining now, and we are both very tired after a long day. But we now know that 8 hour days are quite doable, and we can make good progress to warmer climes if we just grin and bear it for a few more days!!
By the way, at the bottom of each posting is a Location link. Click on it, and you will see our position on the map.
Today's miles: 79, to Tennessee River Mile Marker 255
Total miles: 124
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