Monday, 13 May 2013

Brought to you by the letter 'S'

S is for Spring, which arrived, according to the calendar, on March 21.  

S is for Splash, a boating expression for launching one's boat.  We splashed our Trojan F32 on April 26.  There were only a few other boats in the water ahead of us, but there has been a steady increase in numbers since then.  

S is for Scrub.  After three years in a shed, there was a tremendous amount of cleaning needed.  The outside had accumulated a lot of dirt, despite the tarps we draped around her hull.  The inside, while dusty, wasn't too bad, except for evidence of mice.  Nothing that some bleach can't cure.

S is for Sunshine, of which there has been plenty over the last 10 days.  Temperatures have steadily climbed well into the 20s (Celsius) for over a week, and we have been in shorts and T-shirts - a welcome change from the warm clothes needed previously.  

S is for Snow, which we got again yesterday, along with rain, freezing rain, and ice pellets.  The warm sunny days have left us, at least for now, and we have been huddled inside with our two electric heaters working overtime to keep us all warm.  Strong winds have pushed lots of water up the bay, and changed the water level in the marina by at least 18 inches.  The sun is shining again today, but it is still cold and windy.  

And, finally, 

S is for Summer, which officially arrives in Ontario this Victoria Day Weekend - first long weekend of the summer.  We expect an influx of boats this week, and lots of people at the marina on the weekend.  Weather forecasts are not encouraging right now, but lots can change over the next few days.

It's great to be back on Georgian Bay, and we are enjoying renewing friendships with boating friends from years past, and sharing tales of our adventures.  

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