Sunday, 16 December 2012


We left Panama City this morning after three nights at the city dock.  We spent our days crawling in tight spaces, running wires from one component to another, drilling holes and installing all the necessary bits and pieces.  Never let it be said that the Admiral (that's me) is afraid to get her hands (and her knees) dirty.

But it wasn't all work.  We did take a few opportunities to walk into town and take in some of the local fare. We had a proper English tea, with scones and clotted cream and jam, in a lovely little place run and staffed by proper English women!  And we splashed out on Saturday night to visit Tito's, a Cuban restaurant that also offered a latin jazz trio to entertain us while we ate.  The place was packed, and the food was delicious.

Once again, our plans for an early morning departure were spoiled by fog, and we didn't get away until about  11:00.  After driving around in circles in the bay for 20 minutes to calibrate the compass on our new autopilot, we headed east along the intra coastal towards Apalachicola.

Lots of dolphins made their appearances today, along with what we think was an otter, and of course the ever present pelicans and seagulls.  We spotted several bald eagles, and were finally able to get a picture to prove it!

We came across one other boat headed our way, flying a large Maple Leaf from their stern.  Andre and Lisa, and their two sons Luc (age 12)  and Pierre (9), from Sarnia, are doing the loop in their 48 foot Hatteras SEA HUNT IV.  We all stopped together for the night, so have had a good visit with our fellow Canucks.

Today's miles:  39.3

Total miles:  869.9

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