Monday 23 December 2013

Ringside seats

I never, EVER, thought I'd say this out loud, much less write it down as a permanent record of sorts.  But, over the last few days, I actually got tired of watching dolphins!

The dolphin who lives where we have anchored, it seems, does not live alone.  On Saturday, we saw four, playing and cavorting for our viewing pleasure.  And then on Sunday, it was almost as if they knew it was the weekend and there would be lots of people around, several more showed up.  It's hard to count them, and they move so fast, but we think there were six or seven.  We have heard that the pod has ten members, but I don't know where that info comes from.

We also don't know if all of the activity is strictly play, or if there is more 'adult activity' happening, but either way, they have been leaping out of the water - sometimes right over each other, and slapping tails, and butting each other with heads and bodies.

Of course, the day boaters all stop to watch, and I stop watching the dolphins to watch the boats maneuver around, jockeying for the best view.  There have been a few close calls,  but no actual collisions.  Dogs in particular seem to enjoy getting close to the dolphins, with much tail wagging, barking and whining...wanting to join in the fun, I think.

The dolphins do seem to like the kayakers best.  They come very close, and clearly look right at the paddlers, perhaps trying to determine what kind of creatures they are.

This one has a notched dorsal, although we don't know if it is a natural thing, or the result of an accident of some sort.

And we just sat on our boat, taking it all in.  After dark, we could hear them all around us, still blowing and splashing.  But, in truth, we became very blase about the whole thing.

What...the dolphins are at it again?


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