Friday 27 September 2013

The arrival of autumn

It’s the end of September, and somehow another six weeks has slipped by without any new entries.  The days slide into one another, and we meander from one anchorage to another, or back to the marina to replenish water, food and fuel.  The leaves started changing colour a few weeks ago, far too early in my opinion, and the nights are definitely getting cooler as we head into fall.  But many days are still warm and sunny, giving us an illusion of summer.  One by one, boats are being hauled and prepared for winter.  Labour Day signaled the end of the season for some boaters, while others are determined to get every last ounce out of our somewhat shortened summer. 

But, to recap our activities in the last month or so...we've had some beautiful sunsets... 

...and watched the loons...  

...and herons.

We bundled up for a trip in the dinghy...

...and made a shore trip to Bracebridge, returning at dusk.

This little fox was not at all afraid of us, coming into the middle of the road to see if we had anything nice to offer...

Trees are changing, and goldenrod is in full flower.  Allergy sufferers beware!

And finally, after all this time, Edee has finally found the courage to leave the boat and explore the docks around our neighbours' boats...


  1. Beautiful photos, looks like you have enjoyed the summer. When do you head back down south?

  2. See you both in a couple of weeks. Dock work is starting Monday so that's slightly ahead of schedule. Don't forget to pull several of your favorite photos from your collection and e-mail them to me.

