Sunday 8 April 2012

It's the little things

It's true.  It is the little things in life that can get you excited.  Michael got the ice maker working yesterday, and we were thrilled.  No more struggling with those dollar store ice trays in the freezer!

And this morning, we were listening to a Toronto radio station over the internet and they said it was about 10 degrees there today and for the next couple of weeks.  We looked at each other and grinned - it's twice that temperature here and we're complaining that it's a little cool!

We're slowing down to a southern pace as well.  Everything really does move more slowly here, which is wonderful.  I was taking the garbage up to the bins yesterday, and passed an old guy fishing on the dock.  He said 'You're not leaving us already, are you?' to which I replied 'No.  I just got here!'  And that was all it took to start a 30 minute chat about him and his brother who owns the boat he was visiting, and how they grew up on the river, and how he comes here to fish every day except Mondays because he's retired, but he drives for a courier company five days a week with extra runs on Mondays.  All the while, he was juggling two fishing rods, and scooting back and forth if he thought he saw any activity on either line.  He didn't catch a thing, but I got the feeling that it didn't really matter...he was just happy to be fishing and chatting to passers-by.

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